No products in the cart.

Once a customer places an order, the orders are imported to the vendor dashboard and are in the Processing state, vendors can proceed with the order fulfillment and print shipping labels directly from their dashboard.
Visit the Vendor dashboard and click on the Shipping (PSS) tab. Here the vendors will be able to view their respective orders along with their preferred shipping carriers assigned to the orders for order fulfillment.
Below you can see the Vendor A’s orders which are ready to be fulfilled using USPS.
Once the vendors are ready to print the shipping labels, they can select the orders and click on Create Label to generate the shipping label and then click on the refresh icon to refresh the order status, as shown below;
Label generation will be initiated as shown below;
After the shipping label is created successfully, refresh the order by clicking on the refresh button.
The plugin will automatically change the order status to Label Created, as shown below;
Vendors can easily print the shipping labels by selecting the order and clicking on Download Label under More Actions, as shown below;
Three documents will be downloaded (Shipping Label, Packaging Slip and Tax Invoice).
Here is the shipping label for the vendor with the respective vendor address;

Stermart USPS Shipping Label
Let Vendors request carrier pickups from the Vendor Dashboard
After printing the shipping labels each vendor can request for tier respective shipping carrier pickups directly from their vendor dashboard.
Vendors can select the orders and click on Request Pickup from More Actions as shown below;
Let Vendors fulfill orders and send tracking details to the customers via Email
Vendors can fulfill the orders by selecting the orders and clicking the Close and Print Manifest option under More Actions, as shown below;
Once the vendor fulfill the orders and mark them closed, your order is then completed, tracking details will be sent to the customer as shown below;
The order is also updated to ‘Completed’ in the ‘Orders’ tab from the vendor dashboard as shown below;
Here is the invoice the customer receives showing the product ordered and the shipping details.
Stermart Marketplace